Photo: David Mark Image by David Mark from Pixabay
This section contains hyperlinks to documents that explain the characteristics of the data found in ArcticStat. These may involve concepts, definitions, census dictionaries, questionnaires used to collect data, data sampling or processing methods, etc. The content of this section is not uniform. It reflects the various approaches of the statistics agencies, including their policies for translating methodological documents into English. Some agencies propose fragmented metadata linked to statistical tables. Other agencies propose extensive metadata, grouped in a given section. Still other agencies propose very few metadata in proportion to the number and variety of available statistics. The result is a varied and uneven content, which only a classification by country can convey. This variety also explains why the metadata are classified by statistical indicators for some countries and by surveys or censuses for other countries. This section is the most exhaustive possible; it contains all the metadata relevant to ArcticStat and available in English on the websites of the statistics agencies. However, it excludes the metadata that are accessible directly from a table via a hyperlink or footnotes.