Photo: Simon Matzinger Image by Simon Matzinger from Pixabay
Source : U.S. Census Bureau
Region(s) : Alaska
Indicator(s) : Mobility/Migration (Geographic Origin)
Year(s) : 2020
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Source : U.S. Census Bureau
Region(s) : Alaska
Indicator(s) : Mobility/Migration (Geographic Origin, Nationality/Citizenship)
Year(s) : 2020
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Source : U.S. Census Bureau
Region(s) : Alaska
Indicator(s) : Mobility/Migration (Nationality/Citizenship)
Year(s) : 2020
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Source : U.S. Census Bureau
Region(s) : Alaska
Indicator(s) : Indigenous People (Indigenous Counts)
Year(s) : 2020
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Source : U.S. Census Bureau
Region(s) : Alaska
Indicator(s) : Population
Year(s) : 2020
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Source : U.S. Census Bureau
Region(s) : Alaska
Indicator(s) : Indigenous People (Age, Sex)
Year(s) : 2020
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Source : U.S. Census Bureau
Region(s) : Alaska
Indicator(s) : Population (Age, Sex)
Year(s) : 2020
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Source : U.S. Census Bureau
Region(s) : Alaska
Indicator(s) : Indigenous People (Age, Indigenous Counts, Sex)
Year(s) : 2020
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Source : U.S. Census Bureau
Region(s) : Alaska
Indicator(s) : Population (Age, Population Counts, Sex)
Year(s) : 2020
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Source : Statistics Sweden
Region(s) : Norrbotten, Sweden
Indicator(s) : Health/Social Services (Mortality)
Year(s) : 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014
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Source : Statistics Sweden
Region(s) : Norrbotten, Sweden
Indicator(s) : Health/Social Services (Mortality)
Year(s) : 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013
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Due to the large number of variables or years in this table, our PDF and EXCEL versions might not include all of them.
Source : Statistics Sweden
Region(s) : Norrbotten, Sweden
Indicator(s) : Health/Social Services (Mortality)
Year(s) : 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012
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Source : Statistics Sweden
Region(s) : Sweden, Vasterbotten
Indicator(s) : Health/Social Services (Mortality)
Year(s) : 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014
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Due to the large number of variables or years in this table, our PDF and EXCEL versions might not include all of them.
Source : Statistics Sweden
Region(s) : Sweden, Vasterbotten
Indicator(s) : Health/Social Services (Mortality)
Year(s) : 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013
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Due to the large number of variables or years in this table, our PDF and EXCEL versions might not include all of them.
Source : Statistics Sweden
Region(s) : Sweden, Vasterbotten
Indicator(s) : Health/Social Services (Mortality)
Year(s) : 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012
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Source : Statistics Canada
Region(s) : Canada, Census Division no. 11, Labrador
Indicator(s) : Dwellings (Characteristics of Dwellings, Characteristics of Occupants)
Year(s) : 2021
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Source : Statistics Canada
Region(s) : Canada, Census Division no. 10, Labrador
Indicator(s) : Dwellings (Characteristics of Dwellings, Characteristics of Occupants)
Year(s) : 2021
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Source : Statistics Canada
Region(s) : Canada, Census Division no. 11, Labrador
Indicator(s) : Dwellings (Characteristics of Dwellings, Number of Occupants)
Year(s) : 2021
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Source : Statistics Canada
Region(s) : Canada, Census Division no. 10, Labrador
Indicator(s) : Dwellings (Characteristics of Dwellings, Number of Occupants)
Year(s) : 2021
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Source : Statistics Canada
Region(s) : Canada, Census Division no. 11, Labrador
Indicator(s) : Population (Age, Population Counts, Sex)
Year(s) : 2021
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Source : {{doc.sourceName}}
Region(s) : {{doc.regionsCompute}}
Indicator(s) : {{doc.indicatorCompute}}
Year(s) : {{doc.yearsCompute}}
Quote : {{doc.noticeBiblio}}
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This table is a compilation made by the ArcticStat team
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Nunavik Research Program